Thursday, March 28, 2019

A case for happy

A cheerful heart is good medicine but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22 

If you grew up in the church or know about Christian faith, you’ve probably heard people clarify the difference between joy and happiness. It usually goes something like this. Happiness is temporal. Joy is eternal. Happiness is based on what’s happening, but you can have joy despite your circumstances. I partly agree. Things don’t have to be going that great to still possess a positive attitude and outlook. Here’s a huge point I think this teaching misses though. Joy and happiness are virtually synonymous and, dare I say, it’s God’s will for us to have both!

Now before the Pharisees boo, hiss, and throw tomatoes at the stage, let me explain. It is not solely God’s will for us to be happy. He’s way less interested in us being comfortable and pleased everyday as He is growing us in the character and likeness of His Son. With that said, God is a good Father and He delights in blessing His children. He beams when we sing, dance, laugh, and love, all behaviors more easily done with a cheerful heart. He loves when we recognize His work in our lives and appreciate what’s been given. That’s what brings Him glory. What doesn’t bring Him glory is a bunch of curmudgeonly Christians mean mugging through life talking about the superiority of joy over happiness. No one’s buying it, people. The world certainly isn’t.

I know it’s bleak out there. We see reasons every day to lose faith in humanity. Nevertheless, let’s make it our diligent pursuit to smile big and mean it. Laugh hard at wholesome humor. Crack your own jokes here and there too. Stop to play a little every day. Life is undoubtedly tough, guys, but gritting through it won’t make it any easier. Vow to savor every morsel of righteous goodness you can find. When it comes down to it, happy and healthy go hand in hand. 

Additional References:

Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.
Proverbs 15:30

A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.
Proverbs 14:30

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